My Story


      Hello! My name is Evangeline. I had first experienced handmade soap at a little soap shop by the ocean. I had never seen anything like it. I was mesmerized by the bright colors, unique designs, and amazingly unique, strong scents. I spent a ridiculous amount of time just sniffing all of the sample bars in wonderment. I bought a few bars and when I used the first bar, my shower went from routine to "Wow, this is amazing soap!'  And I was hooked.
I did a lot of research and product testing to find the best formula for healthy, natural ingredients, moisture without sweating, bright, skin safe coloring that does not bleed, and strong, unique, pleasing scents, and I began making it myself. I also enjoy yoga and learned about the seven chakras from studying it. This inspired me to make the chakra bars which include crystals and dried flowers.

       When I was in my twenties, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and lost my job. The doctor told me it has no cause and no cure. It causes flares that can last weeks to years with terrible symptoms that didn’t allow me to do anything. All you can do is improve quality of life through medication. I tried all different medications and natural remedies, several different diets including gluten free, an all fruit diet, and an all liquid diet, which I still do when the flares are really bad. Nothing put me in permanent remission. I struggled to keep a full time job having several various part time ones. In 2020, I spent New Year’s Eve followed by a week in the hospital receiving 3 blood transfusions. I wanted to stop struggling to fit into the real world and do something that I could manage and enjoy. 

          I had received a business management degree and had always one day dreamed of starting my own business. Now I knew that business was soap. I began making handmade soap whenever I was feeling well. It became a calming, creative outlet that I absolutely loved. Each scent would take me to another world. The possibilities were endless. I would give soap to family and friends as Christmas and birthday gifts and I still do. Everyone who tried it said "You should start a business." So I did, with little to nothing in my pocket- except a dream. My health continued to be unstable, however I decided to focus on still being a soap maker, so that I could do what I love and have more flexibility that my health requires. I once heard the saying “you have to love it to be good.” And I do.

         My goal is to bring beautiful, strongly scented, natural based soap to every bath and shower so that everyone can immerse themselves in their own luxurious Wonderland of scent, colors, and healthy ingredients. So please give it a try, it is far healthier than commercial soaps with carcinogens and unrecognizable chemicals- you will probably get hooked on it, just like I did. And you deserve it <3 "Stay clean, scented, and buttered up, Buttercups!"

With love from me to you,



My Coworkers (They do not actually make the soap.)

Wilbur is a six year old Shi Tzu mix. He was a shelter pet who was the runt of the litter, and he is named after Wilbur, the pig from Charlotte's Web, who was also the runt of the litter. He is more of a baby than a dog. He barely barks and loves to sit in my lap. He enjoys playing with bubbles and his stuffed animals- Chloe, Mr. Sheep, and Lamby. 

Noel is a Main Coon who was found homeless at a gas station nearby. I began feeding him, and he stayed in our outdoor manger, so I named him Noel. Every time I would walk Wilbur in the yard, Noel would come next to us walking side by side with Wilbur at the same pace. When I took him to the vet, he was only six lbs. It turned out that besides having been starving, he also had a bad infection but it was curable, and he was otherwise young and healthy. He has been by our side ever since. He is now a happy, chunky, twelve pounds.